Houston Health Department Launches My Prenatal Promise Campaign

Houston Health Department launches new campaign emphasizing importance of prenatal care, syphilis testing for expectant mothers Amid sharp increases of congenital syphilis, campaign promotes education, testing, prevention and treatment HOUSTON (Feb. 4, 2020) — Responding to a spike in syphilis cases among women in Harris County, the Houston Health Department (HHD) is launching a campaign […]

My Prenatal Pledge

"I pledge to be tested three times during my pregnancy."

K Thomas, Other, 25-34, Houston

My Prenatal Pledge

"I pledge to share the information."

d chaney, Already a Mom, 45, Harris County

My Prenatal Pledge

"I pledge to spread the word!!!"

K Odom, Already a Mom, Houston

My Prenatal Pledge

"I pledge to be tested for syphilis and other STI's at every well woman's exam, also to share information on testing."

C Frand, An Expectant Mother, 25-34, Houston

My Prenatal Pledge

"My pledge is to make sure all the women in my life know to test at least 3 times during pregnancy."

b barnes, Already a Mom, 45, Houston